

Gallegos Campaign Bullshit

Paul Gallegos: Representing the People of Humboldt County

Paul Gallegos has a vision for a safer, more just future for Humboldt County.

Public safety is our District Attorney's number one priority, and he has proven to us that he is dedicated to that vision. He believes that most often the best outcomes are met when combining treatment with accountability. Most importantly, Paul represents the people of Humboldt County and is first and foremost a courageous citizen who, like most of us, wants a safe and just society and local community.

In office, Paul has done more with less resources. Despite budget cuts of up to 25% and the resultant loss of deputy DA positions and public attorneys, violent crime is down in Humboldt County, according to statistics generated by the State Attorney General’s office. While Paul Gallegos has been in office as our Humboldt County District Attorney, we have seen violent crime at its lowest rates in 14 years.

A real working DA, Paul Gallegos gets violent criminals off the streets. During Paul’s first year in office (2003), violent crime dropped to its lowest rate since 1990. During this year, the number of criminals put in prison for felony offenses went up more than 11%, which makes a huge difference in a community of this size. 2004 saw the second-lowest crime rate since 1990. We are safer as a community with Paul Gallegos as our District Attorney. In fact, Humboldt County’s violent crime rate is nearly half that of the state of California at large. Crime is also down in local schools.

Furthermore, Paul Gallegos has led a successful effort to modernize the technology in the District Attorney's offices and improve the efficiency and cost-benefit aspects of its operation. This is in accord with his personal and professional values, which elevate efficiency and thrift above waste and recognize the importance of getting the job done rapidly in the best way possible. Such improved efficiency has at times involved teaming up with other county agencies such as Health and Human Services.

Most importantly, Paul values fairness, honesty, and equity. He represents a community of people seeking a positive future for their families. He doesn’t serve a private profit-driven corporate economy as his first priority. His courageous challenge to the Pacific Lumber Company to deliver on its obligations to Humboldt County shows us that he isn’t in anybody’s pocket. He is not afraid to stand up for the county and its people, even when the opposition is heavily funded and influential. Paul Gallegos sets the right priorities to serve us all.

The people of Humboldt County know that Paul represents safety, justice, and integrity. A leader by example, he is a family man with the same dreams for his future as most of us in the region. Paul Gallegos works for all of us.

Experienced, seasoned, honest: Paul Gallegos has proven that he is the best man for the job of District Attorney. Please show your support for our DA and a safer, better Humboldt County on June 6 by voting to re-elect Paul Gallegos!
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Why Re-Elect Paul?
• Representing the People of Humboldt County
• Paul's Endorsements
• Attorney General Statistics
• Paul's Bio
Recent News
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