

Shellenberger "Lead Campaign Consultant"

How much was Michael Shellenberger paid to be Paul Gallegos' Lead Campaign Consultant? What were the extent of the services he offered? How much did it cost Gallegos for Shellenberger to be on the ground on and off in Humboldt County from at least March of 2003, forming the so-called "Alliance for Ethical Business," directing commercials pumping the "Fraud is not a Victimless Crime" and "Justice for All" messages which set the stage for keeping Gallegos in office? Why was his prominent role in this endeavor never mentioned in the local press, though Shellenberger reportedly met with editorial boards and attended Press Conferences with Gallegos during the election? Shellenberger's services are not cheap. Who paid for them?

Lead campaign consultant!

Michael Shellenberger is Executive Director of The Breakthrough Institute, an organization advancing bold solutions that strengthen progressive values. Michael has written articles on issues ranging from the New Apollo Project to ethical trade for the L.A. Times , the American Prospect , the Philadelphia Inquirer , the San Diego Union Tribune , and other publications. He recently authored Race to the Top a report on NGO ethical business campaigns ( ). Michael is a co-founder of the Apollo Alliance, an alliance of business, labor, environment, and civil rights leaders working toward a New Apollo Project to create three million clean energy jobs, free America from foreign oil, and re-establish America's global economic leadership ( )

In 1996 Michael co-founded Communication Works, a public interest PR firm he grew to be the largest of its kind in California. There he helped expose the plight of Nike workers; save the Headwaters Forest; defend affirmative action; and organize a broad coalition against Dr. Laura and anti-gay prejudice. In 2001 he merged Communication Works with Fenton Communications. In March, 2004 he was lead campaign consultant to Humboldt County District Attorney Paul Gallegos, who defeated an effort to recall him, 61% to 39%. Michael is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese and holds a Masters in cultural anthropology from the University of California.

Breakthrough is a nonprofit organization fiscally sponsored by Public Interest Projects. This is our advisory board

(excerpted from the bio portion on one of Shellenberger's many websites

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good guy to me. I'm not surprised you distrust him.