

AEB and Vote Gallegos

AEB Humboldt

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Please do it now
Richard Salzman

Dec 23, 2003 16:06 PST 

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To: All members of the AEB Listserve:

Please, please, please, if you have not yet signed onto the
votegallegos listserve, take a moment to do it now. Simply send an
email to:

and we will get you signed up.

Because several members of the AEB listserve have not yet switched over
to the votegallegos listserve, we have been duplicating the postings.
After the first of the year, we would prefer that most postings in
reference to the Gallegos campaign no longer be copied to the AEB
listserve which we will maintain for the occasional item not
appropriate for the official campaign site; however, in order to
eliminate this duplication, we need those of you who have not yet
signed onto the votegallegos listserve to do so. Thank you for your
interest in the Gallegos campaign.


Richard Salzman

Alliance for Ethical Business
po box 387
Eureka Ca 95502
ae- @

"Working to bring balance and integrity to the public discourse on
issues of corporate responsibility."

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