

ERE - 12/20/2007 Police officers put their lives on the line for public's safety

ER Ltr Police officers put their lives on the line for public's safety

Dear Editor,

This letter is to counteract the quote in the Dec. 11 coverage of the indictment in the Cheri Moore case by George Fornay, former Eureka resident, that the “EPD does have a long history of shooting people in the back ... the elderly and the kids ... .”

In the first place, no one was shot in the back. All the fatal shootings, while unfortunate, happened under different circumstances, but all happened when law enforcement officers, putting their own lives on the line, confronted armed, dangerous people who, either because of mental instability or drug use, were a lethal danger either to the law enforcement officers, themselves or the public at large.

The majority of taxpayers in this county support our law enforcement agencies.

The article did not disclose the business that brought Fornay to the Courthouse, but I’ll hazard a guess that he was not there paying his property taxes.

Susan Dodd
Copyright (C) 2005, The Eureka Reporter. All rights reserved

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