

Letter to the editor:

Letter to the editor:

Untold Stories

It's interesting that Ken Miller (letters July 14) mentions uncovering sophisticated scams. Guess he ought to know. During the Recall we learned:

1.) That people in the DA's office had questioned Ken Miller's presence in the office, with regard to the PL lawsuit...the same Ken Miller who professed to be stunned that the lawsuit was filed, and later had to fess up and admit his involvement.

2.) That Tim Stoen at one point says that he is going to have to give Ken Miller the bad news, that there is no way the suit will fly, and that

3.) A few days later, Stoen comes back and says that he has found a way to make it fly.

What we were never told was that Richard Salzman, Gallegos' chief fundraiser turned Campaign Manager's procured a paralegal's read as to how Gallegos and Stoen could establish a "Trust Fund" to solicit, accept and use special interest money to fund the PL lawsuit.

This was followed by Gallegos' taking that proposal to the Attorney General's office, stating that they will not be "influenced" by such funding, and further contending that, since they would not accept donations from any competitors of Pacific Lumber, it would not be corruption. But they were free to accept "donations" from EPIC, Earth First!, and Ken Miller's Humboldt Watershed Council, Ken Miller's BACH (Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters), Ken Miller's Salmon Forever, and other organizations who are part of an ongoing and longstanding 15 year+ effort against PL

And Stoen's "courageous" communications with the FPPC were reported in the North Coast Journal (Weekly Wrap, Feb. 19, 2004) as his benignly asking whether they could put on concerts to raise money to fund the PL lawsuit.

Left out of that story are two very significant points - the FPPC tells Stoen that he and Gallegos can use Gallegos' CAMPAIGN FUNDS to fund the PL lawsuit, and that he, Stoen, himself, can contribute PERSONALLY to fund the PL lawsuit.

The private funding of a public lawsuit, special interest groups using the public judicial system to further their agenda, turning the DA's office over to the activists - that's what is really wrong with the DA's office.And it's not what people who voted against the Recall thought they were getting.

Sophisticated scams, Ken? Yeah, let's rally for an appeal! Appeal to Gallegos to do his job and drop the activist's agenda

Rose Welsh

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