

ER - Writers never contacted August about her side

Writers never contacted August about her side
Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the guest opinion by Ken Miller and another letter on the same issue by J.T. Szczygiel.

These writers don’t know me nor have they ever contacted me, to at the very least, ask me what my side of this horrific story is.

May I say that both of these men obviously support Paul Gallegos and Tim Stoen with blind faith.

I am not dishonest nor did I ever do anything that benefited me or lined my pockets in any way. Quite the contrary. I am guilty only of trying to help a citizen of Fortuna who was terribly treated by this city and whose property rights were denied her.

Why doesn’t someone interview Carmen Smith? Or perhaps contact Jim Dawson of the DA’s Office and ask him what his opinion of this case is?

The grand jury didn’t care who they took out on the Fortuna City Council. I made myself an easy target because I am not politically correct and I don’t hide behind closed doors nor do I operate in secret.

Serious political corruption? You better believe it. But I am not the guilty one. Why doesn’t a good young journalist take this story on and find out the whole truth?

There are serious crimes that have been committed and still are being committed against the good citizens of this county and no one seems to care.

I have never felt the need to explain myself to such nasty, ill-advised people. Perhaps this will be my only exception.

Debi August
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