

Free speech not at issue in disclosures

Of course they ignored the AEB, and intended this to be about the "Eureka Coalition for Jobs", but it applies to the AEB nevertheless...

Free speech not at issue in disclosures
The Times-Standard

We’ve received some feedback critical of a recent T-S editorial that blasted a loophole in campaign finance disclosure law.
Under the loophole, those who finance political attack ads don’t have to identify themselves as long as the ads don’t specifically say to vote against the target of the message.

Our editorial, mirroring our view for the past year, said that open participation in our government is an absolute necessity in an open society. We’ve said the loophole should be closed and campaign finance sources should be disclosed in all political ads.
However, some would describe that as a call for regulated speech and an attack on the First Amendment.

Since we take free speech pretty seriously around here, we wanted to be clear: The T-S has not advocated for any sort of regulated speech or any limits on free speech at all. Rather, the call has been for campaign donors to identify themselves. That’s it. Say what you want to say; the public has a right to know who is speaking.

What people say in any political comments is a separate issue, and completely up to them, as is the American way.

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