

ER - Salzman will always be welcomed

Salzman will always be welcomed

Dear Editor,

Richard Salzman has always been and will always be welcome at my dinner table. Even if the mundane accusation against Mr. Salzman is true, there are, unfortunately, far greater crimes against humanity.

I just had the misfortune of spending three weeks in our local hospital, where people suffer and die alone every day. It is horrible in the worst way.

In Louisiana and Mississippi, hundreds of thousands of people have lost absolutely everything.

Around the world, there is misery caused by war and corrupt governments. People are dying of thirst and starvation from unreported environmental disasters on nearly every continent.

And your newspaper has the nerve to make a front-page story out of such a trivial occurrence where one man’s enthusiasm to improve his community may not have been the best decision.

Shame on you. Shame on your paper.

Andrea Davis
Copyright (C) 2005, The Eureka Reporter. All rights reserved.

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